2024 High-Level Dialogue on Mining

  1. We, the APEC representatives of the Ministers responsible for mining, met at the APEC High-Level Dialogue on Mining in Lima, Peru, on September 11, 2024. The Dialogue was convened to renew focus on the role of mining as an important contributor to both the clean, sustainable, just, affordable and inclusive energy transitions and sustainable economic growth in the Asia-Pacific region. It was chaired by Mr. Romulo Mucho Mamani, Minister of Energy and Mining of Peru. 
  2. We discussed the topics of promoting sustainable investment in the production and processing of mineral resources to support energy transitions, fostering innovation and investment in the mining industry, and addressing the challenges associated with artisanal and small-scale mining during the high-level dialogue. These areas, along with the enabling and conductive environment for mining cooperation and investment, are instrumental for ensuring that the mining industry contributes positively to the economic and social progress of our economies and citizens, including the creation of decent work, workforce development while contributing to sustainable economic growth and improving infrastructure. To continue addressing these issues, we encourage economies to incorporate mining discussions into existing APEC workstreams, including specific formats to be considered in the near future. 
  3. We thank Peru for its cordial hospitality and for hosting a successful 2024 APEC High-Level Dialogue on Mining.
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