APEC in Lima:
SOM1, Day 5
Delegates from the 21 member economies of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum (APEC) attended the meetings that took place for the fifth consecutive day at the Lima Convention Center (LCC); during the First Senior Officials’ Meeting (SOM 1).
On this occasion, the topics discussed were related to anti-corruption and law enforcement policies, as well as science, technology, and innovation policies.
The opening of the XI Meeting of the Anti-Corruption Authorities and Law Enforcement Agencies Network (ACT-NET), where participants discussed cooperation actions to manage and clarify corruption actions, was led by Juan Carlos Villena, Peru Attorney General of the Nation.
In addition, the Health Working Group (HWG) met to address current health issues such as dengue fever, human papillomavirus, and mental health care, among others.
Likewise, the Minister of Health, César Vásquez, reinforced today the importance of the inauguration of the port of Chancay, which will facilitate the transportation of health supplies.
In addition, representatives of the National Council of Science, Technology and Innovation (CONCYTEC) exhibited the skull and jaw of a 7-million-year-old “Macro Raptor Sperm Whale” at the reception of the Lima Convention Center.